Publications I wrote ...
Accessible conference outcomes
- Project System: Totalitarian utopia as a role-playing game, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development vol.14, issue 2-3, 2017 [Emerald article (ENG)].
- Serious games a larp: Vymedzenie, Antropowebzin 3-4/2017 (on-line magazine) [pdf download (CZ)].
- Onboarding: Transformace jako hra, Firemní vzdělávání 8/2018 (on-line magazine) [pdf on-line (CZ)].
- Transmedia storytelling je gamebook ve větším, Ty internety: Příručka marketéra. [On-line article (CZ)]
Accessible conference outcomes
- Ako sa (ne)rodí dobrý vzdelávací larp, Larpová konference, 2020 [video on-line (CZ)].
- Good Edu-larp Concept is Born, Knudepunkt (Larp conference, Denmark), 2019 [pdf download (ENG)].
- Making Games for Businesses, Portal 5 (Larp conference, Zagreb) 2017 [pdf download (ENG)].
- The Journey into a Teenager's Soul - The Experience Economy (Project The journey of a story aimed for high school teachers), 2017 [pdf download (ENG)].
- Community management - zapojte je a nebudete na všechno sami, LIB DESIGN conference 2015 [video on-line (CZ)].
- Why the Educating in non-PC Game Design Matters, CEEGS 2014 [video on-line (ENG)].
The book presents 10 take & play larps from Czechia and Slovakia in one book. With an introduction to Czech chamber larps history you can find here full larp documentations to run those larps by yourself. Tons of other materials are accessible on-line to download after buying the book. I have worked on the book as an editor and I am author of the larp Two Worlds presented in the book. Michal Havelka - Lujza Kotryová - Petr Kuběnský (Eds.). Check Larps, 2020. |
The book written and edited by Blaz Branc about edu-larp is written for business audiences: CEOs, HR managers and HR specialists, professional educators, and leaders. It offers profound introduction to usage of larps in businesses for training and developement. I am one of the authors of Chapter 7 where practical case studies are presented. Chapter 7 (Case Studies) in: Blaž Branc (Ed.), Imagine This: The Transformative Power of Edu-Larp in Corporate Training & Assessment, 2018. |